Experience the Next Level of Salesforce Data Management
Current Version: 5.3.2
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Windows 64 bitMac 64 bitLinux 64 bit
Current Version: 5.3.2
Read Docs or Release Notes or FAQ
By downloading, you are agreeing to Realfire EULA and Privacy Policy
Windows 64 bitMac 64 bitLinux 64 bitSave all sensitive credentials and tokens with a secure local password, to be able to connect without being prompted each time to login
Create multiple connections and interact with them easily
Supports authenticating via OAuth or Credentials for maximum access
Easily identify if you are interacting with dev/stg/prod
Prevent accidental editing of Salesforce records by marking connection as Readonly
View all defined connections and its objects including standard, custom, custom settings and custom metadata objects
Easily filter to display only the objects you are looking for
View complete object information like fields, its types, picklist values, record types etc.,
Easily view parent/child rel fields and navigate to those objects
Quickly browse object data to get an idea of type of content there is
Navigate to object that you looking for in multiple ways
View all objects summary in easy to view grid
Edit soql and sosl queries in Syntax highlighted editor
Want to check how that query does in other environments? Just change the connection and execute away
Select multiple (soql or sosl) statements and execute them in parallel
Use the query as is from Apex and replace bind variables
Enable flag and query deleted records
If you have a complicated query, see the soql plan to get insights on execution plan
Use query builder and let it do the heavy lifting of picking fields, including parent fields
View complete soql and sosl results in high-performance datagrid
Fetch up to 1000 batches to view complete dataset
Edit, delete and insert new records using grid, including Custom Metadata Records
You say you want to view and explore 100s of thousands of records? No issues
Prevent reusing the result view by pinning it
Maximize the view to see the complete results or view two results side by side
Reexecute query and refresh the results
Sort all records in the grid locally, so you can sort columns which are not sortable in sfdc
View all fields of a record after querying or view selected record in Salesforce
Open a Record by entering Id or from clipboard
Copy selected records as Apex code for quick test data creation
Export/Copy all/selected records as csv
Export/Copy all/selected records as csv
Execute anonymous apex with syntax highlighting
Open multiple apex editors to execute against different connections
View history of soql, sosl, apex executions
Keeps history of all files interactions for easy recall
View csv files with 100s of thousands of records with ease in high performance csv grid
Edit whole columns like adding new columns, deleting column and renaming
While editing easily view edited cells/inserted rows with edit highlights
You want to highlight cells contains particular text? It is easy
Export, insert, update, upsert, delete data with ease
Supports both batch and bulk api types
Fields may not match one on one? No problem, use mapping to still map it
Some third party app created bulk job and you just want to download results? Use Export Bulk Results job type
You just want to delete some records? Issue delete statement and let tool do all the work of querying, exporting, mapping and deleting
Export, insert, update, upsert, delete data with ease
Generate test data in various languages
Supports lots of types to precisely generate type of data you want
Don't leave the product out if you run into issues. Contact support from within product
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